داستان آبیدیک

dementia præcox


1 عمومی:: (ط‌ب‌) جنون‌ جوانی‌، جنون‌ زودرس‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: جنون زودرس

Forsyth diagnosed the case as one of dementia præcox and thought it a suitable one His diagnosis would seem to be corroborated by the fact that the clinical picture agreed in many important points with that of advanced dementia præcox in adults. To summarize it once again: it was characterized by an almost complete absence of affect and anxiety, a very considerable degree of withdrawal from reality and of inaccessibility, a lack of emotional rapport, negativistic behaviour alternating with signs of automatic obedience, indifference to pain, perseveration-all symptoms which are characteristic of dementia præcox. Against the diagnosis of dementia præcox is the fact that the essential feature of Dick's case was an inhibition in development and not a regression. Further, dementia præcox is of extraordinarily rare occurrence in early childhood, so that many psychiatrists hold that it does not occur at all at that period.

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